Month: August 2013


Surrounded By Mercy

It was almost impossible not to see the giant billboard with the red background and huge white letters that shouted: “This year thousands of men will die from stubbornness.” Later I learned that the billboard was one of hundreds just like it targeted at middle-aged men who typically avoid routine medical screenings and often die from preventable conditions.

Discover Jesus’ prescription for healthy spiritual sight

If we don’t keep our eyes focused on God, our fears and worries can cloud our vision. A timeless remedy for anxiety in our study of the Sermon on the Mount.

surrendering the Son

God had promised Abraham that he would birth a nation that would bless the world (Genesis 12:1-4). This required a son, but no heir had come (Genesis 15:1-15). And it had been so long since the promise. Finally, when Abraham was 99 years old (and Sarah 90), the Lord appeared again, once more promising a child to Abraham. Sarah laughed (Genesis 18:12). It was funny—an old man and woman having a baby boy? The joy and the laughter arrived when God’s promise came true, when Isaac was born (Genesis 21:5).

What’s At Stake?

To stake or not to stake? That’s the question Marilyn faced when she planted a tree sapling last summer. The salesman said, “Stake it for one year so it will be supported in strong winds. Then remove them so it can grow deep roots on its own.” But a neighbor told her, “Staking may cause more harm than good. The tree needs to start building strong roots right away, or it may never. Not staking is best for long-term health.”

How fear and anxiety can be detrimental to our spiritual health

If you’ve experienced that knot in your stomach, sleepless nights, or clammy hands, you know what it’s like to be “sick with worry”! A thoughtful conversation on worry.

grow up

A couple in their late 50s recently decided to divorce, but they both refused to move out of their home. To resolve the impasse, a judge ordered that they halve the urban complex. This included the building of a wall to divide the living room on the first floor and sealing of the door that splits the living space on the second. The husband had construction workers build a spiral staircase, allowing him to get more easily from his living room to his dining room. He’s also made his ex-wife’s life a nightmare by yelling and banging on the walls. They each vow to stay in the house until the other moves out.

Minced Oaths and Grawlixes—the Grey Area of Swearing?

By Lau Jue Hua, Singapore We all know swearing is bad—that’s why we don’t teach vulgarities to children. There’s an abundance of Christian articles and Scripture verses (James 5:12; Colossians 3:8) censuring the use of expletives, but what do we Christians do about the grey area in between? To exactly understand what is this grey [...]

The Next Chapter

Steve was almost 5 when his father, missionary pilot Nate Saint, was killed in 1956, along with four other men, by the Waodani tribe in Ecuador. But as a result of the love and forgiveness demonstrated by the families of the martyred men, there is now a growing community of believers among the Waodani.

no offense

I’ve been inspired by the book The Next Christians by Gabe Lyons. One of its most profound messages is that Christians who are serious about restoring the broken are not “offended” by their depraved lifestyles. Rather than condemn and pull away from people whose lives are messed up after years of drug abuse, sexual immorality, or greedy materialism, Lyons says we should meet people where they are. This includes reaching out and offering the hope of restoration found in Jesus.

On My Side

After diminutive Olympic athlete Gabby Douglas captured two gold medals in the 2012 London Games, she made this proclamation: “God will never fail you. He’s always on your side.”

lesson in humility

I know you’ve tried your best, but your best isn’t good enough.” If someone said those discouraging words to you, your thoughts might be something like, Whoa! Come on, I’ve been doing my best. Surely, that’s worth something!

The Gift Of Light

Sir Christopher Wren designed and built more than 50 church buildings in London during the late 1600s. His design style had two prominent features—the first of which was sturdy, tall steeples. The second, however, was more profound. Wren was convinced that all of the windows in his churches must use clear glass as opposed to the stained glass so popular in churches of that era. In part, his reason for the clear glass is found in words attributed to him: “God’s greatest gift to man is light.” Allowing light to bathe people as they worshiped was, to Wren, a celebration of that gift.

Find out how a belief and trust in God can help overcome anxiety

Worry and anxiety are natural human emotions. But according to Scripture, God provides for our needs so that we don’t have to lose ourselves in worry! Turn to Matthew 6, another journey into the Sermon on the Mount.

shameless persistence

It was supposed to be one of those in-and-out trips to the store—all I needed was laundry detergent. But then my daughter spotted some playthings for sale. She begged, “Can we look at the toys?” I responded with, “Maybe.” Then, she used a negotiation tactic popular with children—shameless persistence. “Mom, pleeeeease?” She kept up the requests until we finally ended up knee-deep in baby dolls and books.

His strength in our weakness–Greg & Katie’s Story

If an unimaginable loss occurred in your life where would you run for healing? Discover how a foundation built on faith in Jesus Christ sustained Greg & Katie following the heartbreaking loss of their child. Sense God’s faithfulness and presence in the midst of deep pain and grief. Find out more of what the Bible...

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